Nova- Rae Rose Turns TWO

Hey guys! I have been sitting on this blog post for um.. 2 weeks. Between working on multiple client projects, running the admin at the shop and well, being 7 months PREGNANT- mama is running on fumes here! Honestly, I have NOT even taken Christmas pictures yet and my TO-DO list is backed up. Lets just say I am giving myself all of the GRACE right now.

On 11/30, my baby girl turned TWO years old. OMG the idea of her growing up gives me anxiety and I wish I could press stop on her getting older. Nova is so smart and full of life, everyday I see her grow and mature into a smart, sassy and loving young lady. We are so blessed to have her in our lives.

For the big TWO, we kept things super small and intimate. Nova's big sister Lulu was down visiting for the Thanksgiving holiday and it was so nice having the kids together to celebrate. This year, we celebrated with cake, singing and a special trip to Target ( the happiest place on earth lol) for 2 new toys. Between the sugar rush, the extra cuddles and the new Sesame Street toys, the day was PERFECT. If you know me, you know I love being extra and hosting large gatherings, but honestly our Friendsgiving and Thanksgiving event had us tired out. I felt like all of us (including my house) needed a low-key celebration.

As we rounded into the 2 year old lane, Nova has really stepped into her own personality. Her favorite activities are singing, playing in her princess tent, watching Sesame Street and repeating EVERYTHING we say (including curse words). She now knows most of her colors, shapes and can count to 20. She can hold a full conversation with full sentences and is always full of LIFE.

Hopefully next year we will be able to host a snazzy birthday party for baby girl. Because Nova is still at home with me during the day (more on the daycare search later), she hasn't made many friends yet for playdates. I am hoping to connect with more moms in our area in 2020 to get outside of the house more.

Being a Momtreprenur is great, but it can be isolating if you are not careful. My days are spent running errands, completing projects on the computer, drop-offs, dinner and of course CLEANING so I don't always have the time to connect with other moms as much as I would like.

How did you celebrate your little ones 2 year old birthday? Did you do a big party or a small, intimate gathering? Drop me a comment below! As always..


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